How Structures Work: Design and Behavior from Bridges to Buildings 1st Edition
The alliance between architecture and structural engineering is fundamental to the design of the buildings and bridges around us. Anyone who needs or wants to “understand” a building must have a good understanding of the structural concepts involved. Yet “structure” is often cloaked in mathematics, which many find difficult to get to grips with.
How Structures Work has been written to explain the behavior of structures in a clear way without resorting to complex mathematics. Using the minimum of mathematics, it explains the structural concepts clearly, illustrated by many historical and contemporary examples, allowing readers to build up a general understanding of structures. In this way, they can easily comprehend the structural aspects of buildings for themselves.
Primarily aimed at students who require a good qualitative understanding of the behavior of structures and their materials, it will be of particular interest to students of architecture and building surveying, as well as architectural historians and conservationists. The straightforward, non-mathematical approach ensures it will also be suitable for a wider audience, including building administrators, archaeologists, and interested laymen.
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