Our Story

At Natasha Book Store, We have a variety of educational and academic text books. Our company is providing best books collections from last 35 years. 

Our Company is founded by Natasha Store Ptv ltd . Passionate book lovers and our journey began with simple and profound idea. Where books are read and celebrated, stories are shared.

Our team is expert in  finding the beauty of loved books. We are not just a booksellers, but we are fellow adventurers in the world of today’s advance education.

We invite you to explore our collection and shelves, engage with our book content and become a part of our family. 

About us

Our Mission

At Natasha Book Store, our mission is to provide best academic text books to students who are studying in colleges/ Universities. We are dedicated to providing our community with a handpicked selection of best academic books, computer science, business management, Engineering, Medical Sciences, Social Sciences and History and the resources they need to explore, learn, and connect through the written word. 

We are more than an online bookstore. We are aiming to be a trusted partner in your education. Our believe is to commit, inspire, educate and impower students and readers.