The World Today: Concepts and Regions in Geography, 7th Edition 7th Edition
The World Today is the number one bestselling brief World Regional Geography textbook. The seventh edition continues to bring readers geographic perspectives on a fast-changing world through the regional view. Restructured chapters provide a macro review of important physical, cultural, and political characteristics, drawing upon up-to-date significant world events and crises. The cartographically superior maps have been updated for the seventh edition to offer an accurate and vast picture of the world–multi-layer, interactive, GIA maps have been added to WileyPLUS Learning Space. To complement the extensive map program, the majority of the photos have been taken by our authors during their field research, allowing the student to experience an authentic geographical viewpoint of our world.
Product details
- Publisher : Wiley; 7th edition (October 29, 2015)
- Publication date : October 29, 2015
- Language : English
- File size : 151464 KB
- Simultaneous device usage : Up to 3 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
- Text-to-Speech : Not enabled
- Enhanced typesetting : Not Enabled
- X-Ray for textbooks : Enabled
- Word Wise : Not Enabled
- Sticky notes : Not Enabled
- Print length : 464 pages
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